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Full Care or Dry Care Stall Board
72'x125' indoor riding arena with LED lighting and attached, heated, furnished viewing room
200'x300' outdoor arena with 12' show fences and fill
100'150' outdoor arena for pole work, flat work and young riders/horses
Box stalls cleaned daily and bedded deeply with pine shavings
Shavings not included in Dry Care option
Free choice hay in stalls and fields
Water buckets cleaned daily in stalls
Night check every evening for water and hay top off
32 acres of pastures
20 acre lush grass field with run in sheds
2, 3 acre lush grass fields with 4 attached 1/2 acre dry lots with sheds
1 grass rehab pasture
1 rehab dry lot that can be converted from 12'x12' to 12'x24'
5 smaller pastures with limited grass and/or dry lots
Heated water troughs in every pasture
Troughs cleaned 3-4 times per week
Turn out schedules are based around weather and horse's personal needs
Personalized feed programs for all horses
Grain not included in Dry Care option
Meals soaked every feeding at no additional fee
Warm mash in the winters
Blanket changes included*
Security camera system on the driveway, in the barns, the stalls and around the property
Gated property with security code access
Heated, temp controlled tack room
Laundry services in barn
Indoor wash stall with hot water
Barn owner is a certified equine shipper for show and emergency transportation
Please call for current boarding rates and contracts
City View Equestrian is a full service training facility. Our stalls are reserved for riders that are a part of our lesson, showing or training programs. Training, lessons, service providers, and extras are not included in board prices. Please inquire for more details about our programs